It is with great sadness that we share the passing of our Rabbi Emeritus, William Rudolph z”l. A spiritual leader, inspiring educator, and dear friend, Rabbi Rudolph left a permanent and positive mark on Congregation Beth El and our entire community. Our hearts and prayers go out to his wife, Gail Fribush, and his children Dan, Sara, and Marc, and the entire Rudolph family.
If you were unable to attend the memorial service for Rabbi Rudolph and you would like to view the recording, please click here.
Rabbi Rudolph first joined the Beth El community in 1983 as our part-time associate rabbi, expanding his role to full-time in 1996 as the congregation grew. He was promoted to senior rabbi in 2001. Over his decades of dedication to Beth El, Rabbi Rudolph established many of the programs that are central to our community today, including the Early Morning Shabbat Minyan, Senior Caucus, Family Camp, Megillah Madness, and the Latke-Hamantasch Debate. His inspiring leadership saw Beth El through challenging periods and ones of great joy. Rabbi Rudolph will forever be remembered for his ability to engage, connect, and build community, and, importantly, help all of us connect more deeply to Torah and Judaism through his teachings both on and off the bimah.
If you’d like to honor Rabbi Rudolph through a contribution to Beth El, please use the form below. A fund will be established in his name to continue his passion for impactful community engagement.
Additionally, a way of honoring someone who has passed is to study. We invite the congregation to dedicate some moments to study a chapter or more of Pirke Avot. Its ethical teachings can guide us as Rabbi Rudolph did for us as well. Click here for a link to Pirke Avot and some commentaries.
Rabbi Rudolph’s memory will forever be a blessing to all of us.