Rocky Mountain High
February 14, 2020 in Hazzan Asa Fradkin
I know it’s cliche, but really, you should have seen the view from up there on those snow capped mountains, 2 miles in the thin Colorado air.
I thought snow tubing would be a fun idea for the choir to do as a local activity while we were “on tour” in Denver.
As you may know, the Gesher chorale- our new middle school singing group at Beth El- traveled to Colorado to sing in a gala concert with the Colorado Hebrew Chorale this past January.
While there, we of course wanted to take advantage of some of the local tourist activities, including snow tubing in the Rocky Mountains.
I actually didn’t envision it as a team building activity, but that’s exactly how it turned out. At one point, one of the kids suggested we do a snow tube train of all eight choir members plus myself.
What ensued was a particularly ridiculous and crazy fun way to get down the chute, while screaming along with my eight singers.
I would be remiss, if I didn’t share the best moment of that experience – at least for me – when John Denver‘s famous song came on the loudspeaker and I couldn’t help singing along.
I wouldn’t even have to tell you about the rest of the trip to explain what a magnificent experience it was to travel with these amazing kids and parents, sing at local synagogues and perform in a major fundraising concert for over 200 people. Because it’s really all evident just in that snow tubing train.
These trips are always the highlight of the year for me and the kids as well, because we get to spend precious time together, develop numerous inside jokes, and make ourselves into a family.
In the coming weeks, we will make lots of the pictures and video available that have already been shared widely on Facebook. Just suffice it to say, that I am thrilled I could continue the tradition of my choir trips here in Bethesda that I started back in Greenwich Connecticut in 2015.
I hope the kids will keep fond memories of these trips, I know that I treasure each one and often think of the indelible impact it has on all of us.
Next year, LA! ( No but seriously)
Shabbat shalom
Hazzan Fradkin