Purim 5781/2021

Purim at Beth El is a joyful celebration. Our Purim activities include our annual “Megillah Madness” celebration — which will take place via Zoom this year.

This page contains links to quickly access all of our Purim services, including Megillah Madness and our traditional Megillah reading, as well as other Purim resources such as a Purim singalong, dance party video, instructions to make “kindness kits” to help fulfill the mitzvah of matanot l’evyonim, and a Google slide with stories, songs, and other fun for young children.

Thursday, February 25

  • 4:00-6:00 pm: Religious School Purim Car-nival. You are cordially invited to our first Religious School Purim CAR-nival. Buckle up for this fun drive-thru event. Space is limited. Click here to register.
  • 7:30 pm: Megillah Madness Presents: Bravery and Resilience
  • 7:30 pm: The Whole Megillah. Join us for our traditional reading of the entire Megillat Esther.

Friday, February 26

  • 8:15 am: Festival Morning Service. Morning minyan will include a full reading of Megillat Esther.

Purim Resources

We hope these resources, activities, and ideas (from the Beth El Religious School and other sources) will help you get in the mood to celebrate Purim.

Nitzanim Purim Fun Interactive Slide
Songs, stories, and activities await your Nitzanim (birth to six years old) children with this fun, interactive slide. Click on all of the images to be led to different Purim recipes, songs, crafts and more. You will see familiar faces from the synagogue and BEPS!

Purim Song Fest
Hazzan Asa Fradkin leads us through a fun song session that will get us in the mood for Purim!

Purim Dance Party: Belly Dance Edition
Come and learn some belly dancing moves with Shlomit! In this session, we dance to some Purim music, learn a belly dance routine, and have fun.

Matanot L’evyonim: Making Kindness Kits for Purim 
One of the Purim mitzvot is to give gifts to the poor. Use this resource to make Kindness Kits that we can hand out to those in our community who can use a helping hand.

Not Your Mother’s Hamentashen
Join Morah Shoshana as we have fun baking hamentashen – with a fun and modern twist on traditional recipes! Some advance work will be required, but we promise the results will be delicious. Click here for the ingredients and supply list.