Library Corner

Songs of Comfort

May 6, 2020

By Robin Jacobson. What to read during a pandemic?  Since the Book of Psalms (Sefer Tehilim) is the traditional Jewish prescription for times of crisis, I opted for a new …

Lying and Truth-Telling: New Israeli Fiction

April 2, 2020

By Robin Jacobson.  Even people who think of themselves as essentially good and moral can become enmeshed in lies and deceit. That is one of the themes of Ayelet Gundar-Goshen’s …

NYC Cops and the Case of the Lamed-Vovniks

March 3, 2020

By Robin Jacobson. Best-selling author Steven Pressfield was in Israel researching a book when he first heard the legend of the lamed-vovniks, the 36 righteous individuals upon whom the fate …

Risking Death to Rescue Strangers

February 1, 2020

By Robin Jacobson. One day, anthropologist Maggie Paxson suddenly decided to “study war no more.” Weary and dispirited from fieldwork in violent, strife-torn countries, Paxson resolved to switch her research …

Time Traveling to Cities of Yesteryear

January 2, 2020

By Robin Jacobson.  As the poet Emily Dickinson famously wrote, “There is no frigate like a book to take us lands away.” The magic of historical novels is their power …