Reflections Off the Bimah

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Inequalities! Inequalities?

June 5, 2020

“What will you take with you to the other side of Covid?”  That was the prompt an interviewer asked me for an on-line magazine this week.  It is an important …

How Do We Think About Reopening?

May 28, 2020

This is the fourth week of the month. For Reflections Off the Bimah, the fourth week features thought leaders from throughout the Jewish world and beyond. These special posts give …

Ziv HaOlam – Radiance of the World

May 15, 2020

Trombones, Drums and Trumpets dancing up the street towards the cemetery, forming a 2nd line to the formal funeral procession. This custom of the Crescent city is one of the …

A Focus on Mental Health – Shmirat HaGuf

May 7, 2020

Since 1949, May has been National Mental Health Awareness month. I have never felt the need to focus on mental health as intensely as now.  From children to senior citizens, …

How Do We Tell Israel’s Story?

April 24, 2020

Today is Rosh Chodesh Iyar, the month in which Israel’s Independence falls – the 5th of Iyar corresponding to April 29, 2020. As this is also the fourth week of …