Reflections Off the Bimah

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Unpacking Fault Lines in Israel

March 29, 2018

This week is the fourth week of the month.  For Reflections Off the Bimah, the fourth week features thought leaders drawn from throughout the Jewish world.  These special posts give …

We Need Healing

March 16, 2018

Thoughts and Prayers aren’t enough, but we do need healing and we do need hope. We are extraordinarily proud to support the March For Our Lives that will come to …

Israel Always Surprises Me

March 9, 2018

The hallways and exhibit spaces of the DC Convention Center were energetic with the 18,000 pro-Israel activists attending AIPAC’s annual conference this week.  This is a conference I attend each …

The Power of Communal Singing and God

February 21, 2018

Have you ever davened in Israel ( at Shira Hadasha, Yakar…etc) Have you ever sung in a High School Choir? Have you ever attended a Jewish camp? If so, you …

Welcome to Beth El’s Clergy Blog

February 16, 2018

Finding my expressive ‘voice’ is not an easy undertaking.  I do not mean my voice which emerges through my throat.  I am focused on my expressive voice which arises from …