Author: Congregation Beth El

Brave Like Queen Esther: Celebrating Activism in Jewish Children’s Books

March 1, 2018

By Robin Jacobson.  Jewish texts and stories, however ancient, often seem eerily relevant to present-day events. This year, the Purim story reads like a newly reported sexual harassment scandal. Beauty …

Life as a Refugee: Children’s Books

February 1, 2018

By Robin Jacobson.   “You shall not oppress a stranger, for you know the feelings of the stranger, having yourselves been strangers in the land of Egypt” Exod. 23:9. Can reading …

When Books and Life Entwine

January 1, 2018

By Robin Jacobson.  Children’s literature abounds with whimsical stories about characters that magically wander off the page into the real world. But for some adult book lovers and their special …

Listen to Her Voice: Israeli Women Writers

December 4, 2017

By Robin Jacobson. With Israel’s 70th birthday approaching, this is a good time to read and celebrate Israeli authors. Over the past several years, Beth El’s Book Club has read …

Old Stuff or Precious Treasure?

November 2, 2017

By Robin Jacobson.   Kids dig in the backyard searching for buried treasure. Adults roam flea markets hoping to spot the one precious item hidden in the jumble of useless odds …

Americans in Russia – Russians in America

October 3, 2017

By Robin Jacobson. Russia is in the news a lot lately. Am I imagining that American Jews pay particular attention to news from that country? Millions of us descend from …

The Refugees at Rick’s: Casablanca Turns 75

September 1, 2017

By Robin Jacobson.  Seventy-five years ago this fall, the beloved Hollywood classic, Casablanca, first lit up American movie screens. Casablanca has enthralled generations of viewers with its stellar performances (by …

Taking the Daniel Deronda Challenge

July 2, 2017

By Robin Jacobson.  A few weeks ago, I impulsively signed up for an eight-part online course on Daniel Deronda, a 19th Century English novel by George Eliot. Why?  I had …

Hayim Bialik: Poet and Collector of Legends

June 2, 2017

By Robin Jacobson.  If you’re ever in Tel Aviv, consider a visit to the home of Hayim Bialik (1873-1934), revered as Israel’s “National Poet.” Minna, my Tel Aviv-residing daughter, introduced …

Pursuing Justice in Israeli Novels

May 4, 2017

By Robin Jacobson. On his office wall, a lawyer friend has a striking contemporary art print of the classic biblical text, “Justice, justice, shall you pursue.” But is it always …