Author: Congregation Beth El

Big Jewish Lives

June 1, 2015

By Robin Jacobson.  Why read biographies? When I googled that question, all kinds of responses popped up, some grand and lofty, others more prosaic. But whether you read biographies “to …

It’s Wednesday Farewell Tour – May 13, 2015

May 13, 2015

Boker Tov. I continue to share my more favorite or IMHO more important It’s Wednesday columns as the retirement looms. The year 2013 – 2014 began with Jefferson, continued with many …

Hot off the Presses: New Torah Commentaries

May 8, 2015

By Robin Jacobson. Around the world, Torah scrolls will unfurl this May to the concluding portions of Leviticus (Vayikra) and then reach Numbers (Bamidbar). And, just in time, Torah scholars …

It’s Wednesday Farewell Tour – April 22, 2015

April 22, 2015

Boker Tov. I continue to focus on my more favorite or IMHO more important It’s Wednesday columns as the retirement looms. The year 2010 – 2011 was our Israel theme year …

It’s Wednesday Farewell Tour – April 1, 2015

April 1, 2015

Boker Tov. I was kidding about retiring. April Fools! I now continue with some of my more favorite or important columns, this one from September 2008. I was very clever …

The Pull of the Past

April 1, 2015

By Robin Jaconbson. Every family has its story. We are shaped by our family’s story – or what we think is our family’s story. This theme runs through two compelling …

It’s Wednesday Farewell Tour – March 18, 2015

March 18, 2015

Boker Tov. The Israeli elections have not (yet) produced a clear winner. I can understand that a more right leaning government may be formed, given what Israel sees on almost …

Humor and Pathos, Soviet Style

March 1, 2015

By Robin Jacobson.  In the literary world, Soviet Jews are everywhere. The last year alone saw such a bumper crop of novels and memoirs by Soviet Jewish émigrés that the …

In Search of Children’s Books for Tu B’Shevat

February 1, 2015

By Robin Jacobson. It is an unfortunate fact of Jewish library life that some holidays are richer in children’s books than others. Our library’s shelves overflow with Hanukkah books. Alas, …

Reading Stories with Rabbi Portnoy

January 1, 2015

By Robin Jacobson  I had heard about the famous Rabbi Mindy Portnoy for many years before I met her. She is a trailblazer, one of the first women rabbis. She …