Author: Congregation Beth El

Time Traveling to Cities of Yesteryear

January 2, 2020

By Robin Jacobson.  As the poet Emily Dickinson famously wrote, “There is no frigate like a book to take us lands away.” The magic of historical novels is their power …

Reading at 35,000 Feet: Books for the Plane Ride

December 2, 2019

By Robin Jacobson. Airplane travel is a miracle of the modern age, but it is not always fun. Flights can be delayed, seating can be claustrophobic, and row mates can …

Race, Immigration, and Bad Science That Never Dies

November 4, 2019

By Robin Jacobson.   Each semester when Georgetown University professor Charles King meets new college students in his social science classes, he discovers that many hold two discordant beliefs. On the …

Telling the Story of Israel: Including Jews from Arab Lands

October 2, 2019

By Robin Jacobson.  When we tell the story of Israel, it’s often a story about European Jews. Theodor Herzl of Vienna dreamt of a Jewish state; David Ben-Gurion, born in …

Finding Truth in Fiction: A Novel about a WWII Hero

September 1, 2019

By Robin Jacobson.  In August 1940, Varian Fry bid farewell to his comfortable life in New York City and headed for Nazi-controlled France. He hoped to rescue 200 prominent artists …

Summer Chills: Murder Mysteries of Jewish Finland

July 26, 2019

By Robin Jacobson.  When a longtime crime reporter decides to try his hand at fiction, he might just discover that he has a talent for writing murder mysteries. This is …

Always An Immigrant

July 26, 2019

By Robin Jacobson.  As Moses might have said, “You can take the Jews out of Egypt, but you can’t take Egypt out of the Jews.” It is hard to shed …

Saving Children: Remembering Nicholas Winton on Yom HaShoah

May 1, 2019

By Robin Jacobson.  On a London train platform in the late 1930s, future children’s author Michael Bond noticed a sad huddle of Jewish refugee children with identity tags dangling from …

Memoirs That Tackle Big Life Questions

April 1, 2019

By Robin Jacobson.  The Passover Seder is a night of questions – questions about the stories we inherit, the nature of Jewish identity, and what we owe to strangers who …

Sparkling Tales of Once Upon A Time

March 1, 2019

By Robin Jacobson.  The holiday of Purim sparkles like a fairytale – costumes and carnivals; wine and song; and an age-old tale of a foolish King, a brave Queen and …