Author: Congregation Beth El

The Tug-of-War Over Kafka

February 4, 2019

By Robin Jacobson.   In March 1939, Max Brod fled his home in Czechoslovakia, just ahead of the Nazi invasion. Boarding the last train out of Prague before the borders closed, …

Hearing Echoes of the Past

January 2, 2019

By Robin Jacobson. A perennial source of fascination to physicists, philosophers, and poets is the nature of time. Does time progress along a straight line? Perhaps it ripples outward, like …

Calling Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Jewish Gambler

December 11, 2018

By Robin Jacobson.  Fans of British mysteries, especially of the Sherlock Holmes variety, will relish Conan Doyle for the Defense by Margalit Fox. This is a true story about Arthur …

Resisting Evil: Holocaust Books for Tweens and Teens

November 1, 2018

By Robin Jacobson.  This November marks the 80th anniversary of Kristallnacht (“Night of Broken Glass”), considered by many to be the night the Holocaust began. A violent turning point in …

Two Sylvias and a Wedding

September 26, 2018

By Robin Jacobson.  On Simchat Torah, we reach the end of the Torah and begin reading it anew. The rabbis promise that each year’s reading offers new insights as our …

Celebrating the Birthday of the Universe

September 2, 2018

By Robin Jacobson. “I speak for the trees, for the trees have no tongues.” –The Lorax by Dr. Seuss According to tradition, Rosh Hashanah is the birthday celebration of Creation. …

Rabbi Akiva: The Novel

July 5, 2018

By Robin Jacobson.   Rabbi Akiva (c.50-135 C.E.) is a storied scholar and hero in Jewish tradition. His name appears more than 1,300 times in the Babylonian Talmud alone. Following the …

Dealing with Dictators

June 12, 2018

By Robin Jacobson.  Some historical events cast a long shadow, and some words, like “appeasement,” are loaded. Today, whenever a government negotiates with a dictator – whether it’s Kim Jong …

Saw You at Sinai

May 1, 2018

By Robin Jacobson.  Every year at Shavuot, when we celebrate the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai, we encounter one of the most fascinating, mind-bending, hard-to-wrap-your-head-around concepts in Judaism. …

Being Israeli:The Novels of Eshkol Nevo

April 12, 2018

By Robin Jacobson.  In the two years since our daughter Minna made aliyah, my husband and I have been captivated by her tales of life in Israel. But there is …