Congregation Beth El stands with Israel, and Israel stands with us. The ties between our congregation and the State of Israel are strong and multi-dimensional. They bind us spiritually, emotionally, physically, politically, and financially.
In our daily and Shabbat prayers, we chant of the love and loyalty we have for God and the holy place of Jerusalem and pray for peace for Israel’s inhabitants. We seize the opportunity to join Beth El’s annual mission to Israel where we can see firsthand the realization of a three-thousand-year-old dream and the modern miracle that is Israel.
We also support Israel through political action, purchase of Israel bonds, giving Tzedakah to Israeli charities, and investing in Israeli start-up companies.
Over the years, Beth El has held a range of political and cultural events highlighting Israel’s vibrancy.
These activities features Israel’s television shows and movies; its technology and leading industry; speakers from Israel’s embassy and other visible political leaders; participation in AIPAC; participation with J Street; and much more.
Beth El’s Am Yisrael Chai guides the plethora of Israel-related activities; to join this committee, please email
Our mission statement:
If you’re interested in learning more or joining the committee, please email
Beth El congregants, both individually and collectively, actively support and assume leadership roles in Israeli charities and nonprofit organizations.
Beth El hosts a breakfast for the Jewish National Fund, generally featuring a leading Israeli media or political figure.
Proceeds from Mitzvah Day help fund the work of Keren Or, a special needs school; Yad L’Kashsish, an arts and crafts workshop for the elderly, and Friends of the Israeli Defense Forces.
Beth El holds’s annual Israel Bonds appeal historically ranks high in such investments among Greater Washington congregations.
We also have an Israel Investment Club that focuses on funding startup companies in Israel. Please contact if you are interested in learning more or participating directly in the growth of the Israeli economy.