Whether you are celebrating a simcha or commemorating an occasion or yahrzeit, we are delighted that you are choosing to sponsor a kiddush. Whether it’s a b-mitzvah, a baby naming, an aufruf, or any type of special event, we thank you for your generosity and look forward to working with you to make it special. Scroll down to learn more about the various sponsorship opportunities. Note that payments to sponsor a kiddush are tax-deductible.
Beth El is a cooperative community and we invite you to volunteer to help welcome congregants and guests by serving kiddush luncheon after Shabbat services.
Volunteer to help serve kiddush luncheon after Shabbat services
B-Mitzvah families with a Saturday morning service are required to provide a congregational kiddush following the service. If your simcha is on a Saturday afternoon or a weekday, and you would like to sponsor kiddush following the service, please contact the main office.
A member of the Beth El professional staff, will be helping you through the planning and execution of the event. If you choose to use an outside caterer, you will need to arrange that with Executive Director Heather Garrett. Note that you will be charged for fees associated with the use of the social hall, kitchen, linens, waitstaff, equipment, etc. These fees are all waived if you allow Beth El to cater your kiddush. Whether you choose the in-house option or a private caterer, you must include in your kiddush, not only your guests, but the other members of the congregation who are in attendance that morning.
We wish you and your family a hearty mazal tov and look forward to working with you to make your simcha a memorable one.
If you have any questions or need more information, contact Heather Garrett and hgarrett@bethelmc.org.
We are pleased to offer a Classic Kiddush that includes a variety of options, along with specialty luncheon menus, hot and cold á la carte selections, and various platters and bakery items that can be added to enhance any menu. The required Kiddush Fund contribution covers the cost of the Classic Kiddush menu for up to 75 of your guests. It also covers all linens, tableware, and waitstaff. We are happy to work with you to make your kiddush suit your style! Note that if you are sharing your simcha with another family, you must agree on the same menu.
There is a gluten-free (GF) table at every kiddush. This table will have GF bagels, as well as a platter of assorted GF sweets. Other items from your selected menu will be added if they are GF. While none of the menu items prepared by our kitchen staff contain nuts, Beth El and our food providers do not have nut-free kitchens. Be aware that some of the items on the GF platter of sweets do contain nuts. Please be sure to advise us of other significant dietary issues your guests may have and we will make every effort to ensure that everyone can participate in and enjoy the kiddush.
Every effort is made to keep our pricing current with food costs. Prices do change and our pricing schedule will periodically be updated. Please note that all food items listed on our menu are subject to availability and all prices are subject to change.
Each kiddush menu includes ceremonial wine, grape juice, and challah. Coffee, tea, water, and punch are always available. Also included are individually wrapped candies to toss at the B-Mitzvah after the chanting of the Haftarah. For kashrut and safety reasons, families may not provide their own candy.
If you have guests who follow stricter Kashrut guidelines and require special meals, we suggest ordering from Shalom Kosher in Silver Spring or Moti’s Market in Rockville. The meals will arrive packed and sealed, to be opened only by the people who will eat them. Delivery to Beth El should be scheduled for no later than 1:00 PM on the Friday before the B-Mitzvah. Please contact the main office to advise them of the delivery.
Our staff will set up tables in the social hall (and in the Rudolph Gallery, if necessary) for food and drinks, as well as for seating. Please be aware that seating is limited and cannot be reserved for B-Mitzvah guests.
Beth El provides lovely centerpieces for the kiddush tables. If you would like to provide your own centerpieces, you are welcome to do so. Some families choose bowls of candy (which must be individually wrapped and have a hechsher indicating that they are kosher) while others choose small flower arrangements. Large decorations, balloons, displays created using items collected as part of the mitzvah project or photos of the B-Mitzvah child are not permitted. If you choose to use your own centerpieces, they must be delivered to Beth El no later than 1:00 PM on the Friday before the B-Mitzvah. Please contact the main office to coordinate delivery.
Each B-Mitzvah family is required to patriciate in the serving of one kiddush. This experience is a wonderful opportunity to see how the kiddush is prepared and to join in the excitement of the congregation’s life cycle events. Serving at a kiddush is an important way to build Beth El’s sense of community. Volunteers are needed to welcome congregants and guests and help with serving the food (no food prep or clean up is involved).
You can choose the date that you would like to do this mitzvah. Each B-Mitzvah child and one parent/guardian need to participate but other family members are welcome to help as well. Sign up by clicking the blue button at the top of this page.
For more information, click here.
There are hospitality kiddushim on every Shabbat or Festival when there is no B-Mitzvah. Kiddush sponsorships can be in honor of a celebration, to commemorate a yahrzeit, or just because! The sponsorship cost covers congregants in attendance that morning, plus up to 20 of your guests. If you anticipate more than 20 guests, there will be a per person cost added for the additional people. Two weeks advance notice is required to sponsor a kiddush.
Full sponsorship covers 100% of the total cost. Partial sponsorships are available for a minimum contribution of one-third of the total cost. Participation through lump sum donations are also welcome.
Shabbat Hospitality Kiddush Sponsorship Form
For more information on Festival kiddushim, contact Heather Garrett at HGarrett@bethelmc.org.
Menu 1: $540.00 (plus $9.00 per person for more than 20 invited guests)
Plain Bagels (sliced)
Cream Cheese
Tuna Fish with sliced Tomato
Garden Salad (lettuce, tomato, cucumber) with Dressing on the side
Marinated Green Beans
Sesame Noodles or Kugel or Baked Ziti (your choice)
Assorted Sweets
Water, Coffee, Tea
Menu 2: $540.00 (plus $9.00 per person for more than 20 invited guests)
Plain Bagels (sliced)
Cream Cheese
Gefilte Fish platter with Lettuce, Tomato and Horseradish
Spicy Edamame
Mushroom Burekas or Kugel or Baked Ziti (your choice)
Vegetable Crudités or Garden Salad (your choice)
Assorted Sweets
Water, Coffee, Tea
Menu 3: $700.00 (plus $11.75 per person for more than 20 invited guests)
Sliced Roast Turkey (add Corned Beef, Pastrami and Roast Beef for an additional $100.00, plus an additional $0.25 per person for more than 20 invited guests)
Challah Rolls
Potato Salad
Cucumber Salad
Dill Pickles
Veggie Sub (for vegetarian and vegan guests)
Assorted Sweets
Water, Coffee, Tea
Menu 4: $600.00 (plus $10.00 per person for more than 20 invited guests)
Pitas (cut in half)
Purple Cabbage Salad
Israeli Salad
Vegetable Crudités
Assorted Sweets
Water, Coffee, Tea
We invite you to sponsor a Morning Minyan Breakfast or Early Shabbat Service Kiddush in honor of a celebration, to commemorate a yahrzeit, or just because! Two weeks advance notice is required.
For more information, click the headings below or contact the Beth El office at 301-652-2606.
Morning Minyan Breakfast Sponsorship Form
Price $180.00
Gefilte Fish Balls
Whitefish Salad
Bagels and Cream Cheese
Fruit Salad
Kugel or Blitzes
Water, Coffee and Tea
You may add Lox for an additional $70.00
Early Shabbat Kiddush Sponsorship Form
Full or Partial Sponsorships Are Available – – please see form for details.
Full Sponsorship Price $240.00
Gefilte Fish Balls
Whitefish Salad
Tuna Salad
Bagels and Cream Cheese
Fruit Salad
Water, Coffee and Tea
You may add Lox for an additional $120.00