This year’s Sisterhood Shabbat on January 11 will feature Rabbi Shira Stutman delivering the annual Celia and Audrey Resnik Memorial Lecture, “How to Not Just Live, but to Be Alive: Creating Meaning and Generating Action in the Dead of Winter.” The Golda Meir Award for Leadership will also be presented to former Women of Beth El co-presidents, Alison Baraf and Sharon Fine.
Following the kiddush, Women of Beth El will continue the observance and celebration of Shabbat with a study session led by Rabbi Stutman, where we will explore the topic, “Are You a Prophet or a Rabbi? – Jewish
Paradigms for Leadership.”
Rabbi Stutman is a nationally known faith-based leader and the co-host of the PRX podcast Chutzpod! in which she provides Jewish answers to life’s contemporary questions, and the author of the forthcoming book, The Jewish Way to a Good Life. She is the senior rabbi of the Aspen Jewish Congregation and founder of Mixed Multitudes. A graduate of Columbia University and the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, Rabbi Stutman was named one of “America’s Most Inspiring Rabbis” by the Forward.
This year’s award recipients, Alison Baraf and Sharon Fine, assumed the co-presidency of Sisterhood in 2022 as the world emerged from the covid pandemic. Early in their presidency, they began using the name Women of Beth El to encompass both Sisterhood and Zhava in a successful effort to reinvigorate women’s involvement with Beth El. Next, they supported the redesign and reopening of the Beth El Judaica and Gift Shop, which had been closed during the pandemic.
Women of Beth El are grateful to the Resnik family for their support of this annual special Shabbat. The Resnik Memorial Lecture and Golda Meir Award for leadership was endowed by Dr. Harvey Resnik z”l in memory of his mother, Celia, and his wife, Audrey, each of whom were esteemed leaders in their synagogues and communities.