The Beth El Library Online Book Catalog allows you to search the collection remotely. No login required to use the search function. Use the “Explore” tab to browse our collection to identify books to borrow or buy from other sources if not available to check out from the library. The Homepage of the catalog includes live links to view digital collections and literary resources, events, recordings, podcasts, the Scroll’s “Books & Beyond,” essays, and more.
Check out books by the usual honor system: 1) fill out white cards in back book pockets with your full name and date of checkout; 2) place completed white cards in the basket on the Librarian’s desk, except for Shabbat. On Shabbat, clip white cards to your white member card found in the adjacent Shabbat filing box and place clipped cards in the basket; 3) place yellow date-stamped cards in empty book pockets as reminder of when books are due (3-4 weeks from date of checkout).
Volunteers Are Needed to maintain our library. Please contact: for more information.