
give to the beth el annual campaign

Beth El’s goal of building a thriving Jewish community is bold.  Whether your focus is tikkun olam (repairing the world), lifelong learning, religious observance and spirituality, or the future of the Jewish community, a gift to Beth El will support our efforts where membership dues, tuition and fees alone cannot.

There are many ways and reasons to donate: show appreciation, acknowledge a life-cycle event, support our annual campaign and part of your planned giving strategy. Whatever the amount, your generous support will make a real impact.

Please contact Heather Garrett, executive director, at 301-652-2606 if you have questions.

Lucy Ozarin Legacy Society

Learn about Lucy Ozarin’s extraordinary legacy and how you can leave Beth El a legacy in your will or through other planned giving.

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More Ways to Give

Along with giving a donation and creating a Jewish Legacy, there are other ways to contribute to Congregation Beth El. Here are some examples of ways of contributing to Beth El.

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