Speakers: Rabbi Harris

Our Sacred Knot – Kol Nidre 5778

October 4, 2017

We are living in a time in America where the divisions amongst us are pronounced, painful and growing.  America’s Founding Fathers knew 250 years ago there were dangers of deep …

Death’s Ripples – Yizkor 5778

October 4, 2017

Death causes ripples – emotional ripples that extend far beyond the immediate devastation of the loss of a spouse, a parent, a child, a sibling or a friend. We feel …

Disrupted Judaism – High Holidays 5777

October 20, 2016

We are living in a time of Disruption. It seems to be the phrase of the day. There was a time when if your phone service was disrupted, you were …

An Hour with Mr. Schwartz – Yizkor Yom Kippur 5777

October 20, 2016

Last night, I spoke about how we live in an era of Disruptive Judaism. I focused on opportunities to rethink and recontextualize three areas: ritual, Israel and community. Now, I …

Yom Kippur Yizkor 5776 – Building a Moral Legacy

October 1, 2015

Building a Moral Legacy Rabbi Greg Harris Congregation Beth El, Bethesda, Maryland Yom Kippur Yizkor 5776 Yizkor is not complicated.  It is a simple service.  Unlike other parts of the …

Looking Out; Looking In; Looking Up: A Vision for Beth El

October 1, 2015

Looking Out; Looking In; Looking Up: A Vision for Beth El Rabbi Greg Harris Congregation Beth El, Bethesda, Maryland High Holidays 5776 I stand here filled with gratitude. We have …

Sukkot 5775 – Building a Sukkat Shlomecha

October 13, 2014

There are many beautiful explanations and metaphors for the Sukkah.  From the understanding of the sukkah as a simple shelter that was built as farmers were in the fields for …

Yom Kippur Yizkor 5775 – Longing for a Voice

October 7, 2014

What do you long for? Think about it. What do you long for? I’m not talking about material objects – a new kitchen or car or clothing. Be careful not …

Rosh Hashanah 5775 – Falling in Love Again

October 6, 2014

I fell in love when I was 16.  Looking back, it was a complicated relationship even back then.  I have learned that in a true relationship, it is possible to …