
Music is a very special part of the Beth EL’s spiritual life and a fundamental part of Jewishness dating back to the Temple times, when Levitical choirs sang psalms in the Temple sanctuary and large ancient orchestras played to add drama and color to the Temple ceremony.

With music, we celebrate our rich and ancient history, as well as seeking ways to enhance our shul experience today, whether it’s the haunting melody of Kol Nidre, or a new and funky way to sing V’Shamru. But perhaps most importantly, music adds soul to our religious experience and captures the children’s imagination.

For blessing and trope recordings, please visit our b-mitzvah resources page here.

Melodies of Beth El

Beth El has expanded the musical and spiritual life of the synagogue, introducing new melodies in services and online. For more of the melodies used in Beth El, please visit our SoundCloud page.

Torah Service and Musaf Amida

Shabbat Shacharit

Musical Ensembles

As many of you know, one of my most cherished roles as Hazzan is to serve as conductor for children’s choirs. It is hard to put into words what a gift it is to teach our young people the love of Jewish music and share in their joys as they grow into young adults. We have several remarkable youth choirs at Beth El. If you are interested in joining any of these choirs, please contact me at

Shir Atid is a choir for children from 3rd-5th grade that meets each week after Religious School (11:45 am). It’s a group of musical, enthusiastic and imaginative kids that spend another 30 min each week with their BERS friends, learning new Jewish, rocking out and just having a good time. Shir Atid performs at Shir Yachad services, Thanksgiving interfaith services, Megillah Madness and community concerts throughout the year.

“For Sarah, Gesher is the perfect combination of singing, friendship, fun, and Judaism. She made deep friendships quickly and looks forward to every Gesher event.” – Jay Ezrielev

“As a parent, my hope has been for each of my children to find a way to connect with Judaism that resonates with them and makes them feel that they are part of a close-knit community. The Gesher Chorale provides exactly that.  The musical training is high-level and broadening. The travel and performance opportunities expose the kids to different Jewish communities and service styles. And the bonding among the chorale members, as well as with the Hazzan and student directors, is tremendous and creates an extended family for them at Beth El. I am incredibly grateful that my daughter has found a home in this supportive and talented group.”  – Ellen Chubin Epstein

Founded in 2018, the Gesher Chorale is an auditioned group of 6th-8th graders who meet each week on Sundays from 10:00-11:30 am. These teens and pre-teens sing in 2- and 3-part harmony, participate in Shir Yachad, Thanksgiving, and other concerts. In 2022, they were invited to Colorado to perform in the Gala concert, Almonds and Raisins, with the Colorado Hebrew Chorale.

Marak Hayom, founded in 2005, is the sensational teen run a capella group begun by Micah Hendler (now of the internationally recognized) YMCA Jerusalem Youth Chorus. Founded at Beth El, the group has expanded in recent years and now has 18-20 annual members from across Bethesda, Rockville, Potomac and other areas of Moco. Marak Hayom performs often at Bnai Mitzvah throughout the year, at the High Holidays, and in area a capella contests and conventions.

Check out some of our ensemble videos:

An elite high school singing group for kids 9th-12th grade who want to continue learning classical Jewish Music in 3- and 4-part harmony. This group will be no more than 10 members and demand a superior level of musicianship from it’s members. Perhaps a few future Cantors could come from this group! For more information, please email Hazzan Fradkin at



Musical Services

There’s something about a service with a full band and the warmth of a guitar, piano and percussion that brings us a sense of belonging and community.

At Beth El, we have two such services every month.

Shir Yachad (“song together”) is a musical Kabbalat Shabbat extravaganza that takes place on the first Friday of the month from September to June. There are clarinets, piano, ukulele, guitar, electric guitar, bass, djembe, cajon, cello, and viola. And singers, of course! Anyone can participate! Just email Hazzan Fradkin at

Shir Yachad started with 3 leaders and has exploded into 12, plus teens and youth choirs that join in the singing during the service. Hundreds of people attend this once-a-month experience that brings the entire community together.

The evening begins at 6:00 pm with Nitzanim, a musical service for families with young children. From 6:30-7:00 pm, join us for a Happy Half-Hour where families and young adults are invited to schmooze with us while enjoying drinks (both adult and kid friendly!) and appetizers. Free babysitting is available during happy hour. Then join us for the main musical service at 7:30 pm.

Do you like to sing from your heart to bring in Shabbat? Did you love Friday nights at Jewish summer camp?

Join Rabbi Megdal and community leaders for a new Friday evening musical service that blends familiar melodies and traditional liturgy, woven together with kavannot (intentions) and short teachings.


At Beth El’s concerts, my goal is to bring you musical experiences you have never had before. Here is a sampling of concerts we have offered in the past few years.

Kol Sasson, the University of Maryland’s premier Jewish a cappella group, shared their unique blend of  music that included English and Israeli pop, traditional Jewish melodies, and more.

About Kol Sasson: Founded in 1997, Kol Sasson has been serving the national Jewish community with song for more than 20 years, and is comprised of students from all backgrounds, studies, and cities around the country.

Our Thanksgiving Service includes prayers and reflections from the clergy and performances by the adult and children’s choirs.

Hazzan Fradkin, Cantor Randy Herman, and other Beth El musicians gathered for a Kumsitz and concert featuring songs from Israel, liturgy, the Yiddish world, and Cantor Herman’s own contemporary gems.