Services are offered in person and online. Please check the calendar for the most up-to-date service times and listings.
At Beth El, we honor the commandment to sanctify Shabbat with moving and uplifting services on both Friday night and Saturday morning. We offer a variety of services, providing choices designed to accommodate differing styles of worship, a range of knowledge of Hebrew and sacred texts and varying levels of participation. The common denominator is joyous celebration of Shabbat through song and prayer.
Two of Beth El’s guiding values are empowering our members and merging tradition with the creative spirit. We are privileged to have a variety of lay-led minyanim that contribute to the diversity and empowerment of our synagogue community.
Our Etz Hayim Chumash provides expanded commentaries, historical maps and other items enhancing understanding and interest. We provide devices to assist the hearing impaired in participating in the service. We also offer those who cannot attend services in person to listen by calling a special telephone number or streaming over the internet. We also provide siddurim containing transliteration of all key prayers, making our Shabbat service more accessible to congregants who cannot read Hebrew.
The twice daily minyan is one of Beth El’s core offerings for members, their families, friends and visitors. We encourage participation, whether it’s to fulfill a sacred obligation, a peaceful way to start or conclude the day, or to recite Kaddish and reflect on the life of a person dear to you.
The daily minyan also serves as an incubator for enduring friendships. Those reciting Kaddish or Yahrzeit often form strong bonds that yield new relationships that likely would not have occurred but for the minyan experience. The breakfast following the morning minyan helps cement this sense of community. The morning minyan lasts about 30 minutes except when reading Torah when it takes an additional ten minutes.
Minyan “captains” help ensure leadership and help guarantee that we gather the requisite ten people to proceed with the service. The evening minyan lasts about twenty minutes.
Each Tuesday morning, there is a Talmud study class immediately following minyan and breakfast.
The daily minyanim take place in the Swoff Chapel.
Morning Minyan on Zoom
(Sunday at 9:00 am, Monday-Friday, 7:30 am)
Passcode: 355195
Evening Minyan on Zoom
(Sunday-Thursday, 8:00 pm)
Passcode: 688885
Central to our mission, services are held twice daily for members, friends and visitors. Attend in person or via our enhanced live stream; join regularly and forge bonds with other regular participants.