Tag: interfaith

Let Me Sing to God

November 17, 2021

We are excitedly preparing for Interfaith Thanksgiving this Tuesday, November 23, 7:30pm, at Bethesda United Methodist Church (BUMC). The evening will be filled with blessings of gratitude, teaching, and music.  …

Bringing My Voice Against Hate

February 7, 2020

(This blog was written in Tirana, Albania but could not be posted till I returned.) Albania was never on my travel bucket list yet here I sit at a cafe …

Anti-Semitism: Searching for a Global Response

January 31, 2020

This is the fifth week of the month and allows for another outside blog. I am focusing this week’s blog on the relentless scourge of anti-semitism.  The hatred of the …

Proud to be Jewish

November 1, 2018

I am proud to be Jewish, even in these difficult days. In these past days, I have cried with people and sometimes hugged when words felt inadequate. Rabbi Werbin, Hazzan …

An Embracing Look at Ourselves

October 5, 2018

During the High Holidays, I enjoy looking at the kahal (community) gathered.  I clearly recall how I felt during my first Rosh Hashana at Beth El and how many strangers …

We Need Healing

March 16, 2018

Thoughts and Prayers aren’t enough, but we do need healing and we do need hope. We are extraordinarily proud to support the March For Our Lives that will come to …